Opinion: Angus Scorgie, Head of prudential regulation & international affairs/reinsurance Delivering on the agreed ambitions The recent publication of the much awaited report on EU competitiveness by ...
The insurance industry has called on the EU to use the ‘golden opportunity’ offered by the review of Solvency II to unlock additional capital. In a statement published today, Insurance Europe said ...
Solvency II review: Appropriate Level 2 legislation is prerequisite for enhancing the competitiveness and investment capacity of the sector To realise the potential benefits of the Solvency II review, ...
Solvency II Sustainability risk plans European insurers strongly support the drive towards sustainability and are ready to build on their current actions to contribute further to the transition to a ...
Improving the treatment of long-term business Getting the long-term guarantee (LTG) measures right in Level 2 is essential. Calibrations related to the treatment of long-term business, such as the ...
Increasing regulatory efficiency – enhancing proportionality and streamlining reporting requirements Many of the amendments agreed by the co-legislators will increase the operational and reporting ...
Insurance Europe has written to the European Commission highlighting the importance that technical negotiations of the EU’s Solvency II review stay aligned with the political agreement and EU goals ...
Insurance Europe has called on the European Commission to ensure that the forthcoming technical work on Solvency II – the EU's prudential regime that regulates the industry – fully reflects the ...
Delivering on the agreed ambitions for the Solvency II review Insurance Europe’s views on the development of Level 2 and Level 3 texts Introduction Insurance Europe welcomes the Solvency II Directive ...
Europe’s insurance industry has welcomed the finalisation of the EU’s review of Solvency II Directive which was agreed yesterday. Insurance Europe especially welcomed improvements made by the EU’s co- ...